O.K. kit

Half-full tumbler

In a time of exponential change, we have developed this O.K. kit for friends and customers - as a little mood upgrade for in-between.

Companies, employees, employers ... they are all often in problem-solving mode and looking for solution strategies. They need to adapt to meet the needs of different age groups, keep pace with digitalization, drive innovation, handle automation and AI, act in an environmentally conscious manner, create attractive jobs, keep an eye on trends, ideally work for the common good and withstand global challenges. And finally - and this is where we come into play as a design agency - the visual appearance should accurately convey the inner values of your company to the outside world. Not so easy and a constant examination of your own identity.

But whether analog or digital, quantitative or qualitative, natural or synthetic, old or new, now or later or all of the above - this should not lead to an identity crisis. It is always worth taking an optimistic look at the "half-full", and a few O.K. drops can help to combat symptoms in the short term.